Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today things are different.

Today I lost my HOPE scholarship. I feel really bad about it and I wish it hadn't happened, but it did. The reason behind this: Math and Professor Katie Chaple-Borton. I will now be headed to a local technical school instead of staying here at the school I have become accustomed to and where my boyfriend is. 

My mother, not that it matters, is upset with me; claiming that I did not study. I studied so hard. For my last math test I studyed an entire week for it, almost non-stop. Chaple's class is just all B.S. and I wish I had gotten out of it. 

This is all that I have for today. Thank you for reading. I may or may not be back for a while. 


  1. Yeah, thats no fun..
    College is hard.

  2. Well, I just checked this and thank you both. It was definitely no fun finding all this out.

    Final grades?: C,C,C,B,B,F.

    I plan on getting HOPE back and going back to West GA in about a year, hopefully. I have to get thirty credits at Chat. to get it back AND they have to transfer. :P Andrew, can you help me with that?
