Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Some things I am thinking of doing
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
2009 was a year that was not particularly awesome or blech for me. It was a year, as many years are. I do have to admit that there was more drama than I had expected, but having Ethan to help me get through it was a life saver.
Some people go over all the world events in these sorts of blogs but I think I am going to keep it simple and stick with me. For starters, New Years Eve/Day was awesome. Ethan and I celebrated by dressing up (the same way we will/have this year.) To put a cherry on top we were each other’s first New Years Kiss!
I spent much time cuddling with Ethan and enjoyed spending careless hours with my writing community buddies. Those happy times are ones that I cherish so much now that I don’t get to enjoy them much anymore.
Towards the end of April and going into May I discovered that I wasn’t going to get the HOPE scholarship. My family does not have enough money to pay for college alone (at least not a big university like
The beginning of my summer was mostly uneventful seeing as how Ethan was in
I took three classes this quarter. Sociology, History and Math (which I had previously failed) are those courses. I made great grades in all of these classes (thankfully) and these grades are (dum dum dum duummmm) an A in Sociology, a B in History and miraculously another B in Math. With these grades I am on my way to get back to my deary and on to bigger and better things.
This Christmas was interesting for me. It is the first time I have ever had money to buy gifts. I enjoyed that immensely since I am so giving. It was also a great year for receiving for me. My parents gave me around 200$ in gift cards along with some awesome makeup, some weird pens, highlighters, some clothes, aloe socks, bath sets that smell amazing, a teal umbrella, a pink star covered scarf, wall clings in the shape of the Fleur de Lis, and that is pretty much it.
Ethan kept up the French theme and gave me a
Various other gifts include 20$ to spend at Outback Steakhouse from my uncle, 25$ to spend at Mapco (where I work) from my corporate manager, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” from my coworker Casey that come with a soda and some candy and popcorn.
This year, I hope, will be fantastic. I am looking forward to all the fantabulous movies that are coming out this year and finally getting back to
I have a couple of New Years Resolutions starting with getting back into shape and toning my abs. I also plan to get great grades in all my classes and save my money. Lastly, I intend to make time to keep my room manageable.
This is it for this New Year's Blog (which I am also posting on my Facebook) and I hope everyone had a fabulous year and has a great 2010!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What Government doesn't want you to know about Heathcare Reform.
Many questions have recently been asked of our country's leader that he has been dancing around, trying to avoid the honest answer so that his precious reform gets passed. The basics of these questions are: What if I have existing conditions and take many medications? What will happen to me? Will I be taken care of? The general answer: You won't have to worry about your pre-existing conditions. We won't have to worry. They won't hear of any pre-existing conditions. Since they aren't worried about it, we shouldn't.
The honest answer, as I see it, is that these people will be treated by everyone very similarly as to how their insurance companies treat them. I have many existing conditions and know what will happen. As someone who has to deal with the insurance companies to get my apparently "experimental" blood work covered, I know that these people will be considered the bottom of the Healthcare food chain. We will be stepped on and forced to take medicines that don't really do anything because the reform can't handle the prices of our normal medicines. Routine procedures will be taken care of. Insurance companies will have to take care of them. Good for those with routine procedures. My blood work, which costs about a thousand dollars (which may be an exaggeration) is not "routine." What happens to me? I will be told that I don't need the blood work and that I will no longer get it done.
The fact is that I do need this blood work to determine if my medicine is still doing its job. Recently I have been having a multitude of nosebleeds. It was my blood work that told us that my platelets were fine and were not the cause. This has caused a lot of progress. Obviously, I need this blood work.
Yes, I will admit, Healthcare needs some fixing. SOMETHING needs to be done. Some of his ideas are good. For the healthy, this is the best idea. For those of us who are un-healthy, it is the worst possible conclusion. Why not find something that works for everyone?
Thursday, July 30, 2009